On looking Inside the hand made wooden cabin it appears to have, rather optimistically, been given a type number. In those.fiercely competitive days, he had devised a method to replace the pricey tuning condenser. He used a fast threaded clamp screw to compress two phosphor bronze plates separated and insulated by a piece of mica. This could be seen along with these Three latter cost saving innovations
( 1 ) The dual planetary coil tuner.
( 2 ) Astors use of sledge mounted iron cored coil tuning
( 3 ) The reaction adjustment in the Healing. tuned RF two valve circuit.
These met the ever present challenge, to prepare for cost cutting, almost as if they knew the future, when retail price maintenance would be abolished and Price would replace Quality
Around this time we saw Waltham Trading Co. filling the trading role of the earlier disposal market . The Eastern Market site was to be replaced by the Southern Cross Hotel of Betels Fame, cnr of Bourke and Russel Sts This early disposals market housed a sprawling market area which was home to a chain wire enclosure trading in a great variety of Wireless Parts.
Price was tops, when the Cost of component parts was clearly the focus from the very outset. Radio parts, both good and salvage, were often pressed back into service, as seen in this case. This cost critical project began by finding two faulty pairs of headphones and making one good pair, by taking another set again with one usable ear piece from the reject bin, and fitting one working unit in place of the faulty one, to result in a visually different but otherwise good working set of headphones.